Monday, November 23, 2015

Poet, Pirate, and Pescador. It's Easy To Be One Of Each In The Florida Keys.

You're 65 feet in the air. You take a breath, and you assume a new identity. 

Such is the magical power of crossing Jewfish Creek. 

As you continue Southeast along the thoroughfare that traverses Lake Surprise, you start put on a new cloak ... a new persona. Maybe one built on 10 years of fantasy or, in some cases, delusion. 

But you're a new you, and the beauty in the Florida Keys, is that's exactly what everybody expects.

On Friday you're a fisherman, cruising the reefs in the deep-sea and hunting for your Moby Dick. Maybe it's a prize Marlin or Swordfish.  Or, you've got a hankering for some Grouper and you're there to go mano y mano against the denizens of the deep. 
Saturday, you're a swashbuckling pirate cruising from bar to bar with your favorite Wench ( Or if you're a Sexy Lady Pirate, your favorite Cabin Boy) or maybe being a little naughty on your boat and not giving a damn what anybody thinks. 

And on Sunday ... on Sunday you're the Poet, soaking in all the vibrancy and life the Keys have to offer.  You put pen to paper, or words to keyboard, and you're the new Zane Grey, Hemingway, or Tennessee Williams, soaking in the sultry heat and humidity and making your words drip like so much honey.

Breathe in the air, and realize that this is truly a magical place where you can be you or  an exaggerated version of you, or idealized version of you.
Yes, crossing Jewfish Creek Bridge is a bit like stepping through the looking glass .. and I can't think of any other destination where I'd like to be.
For this...we are quite Thankful.

Become the Caribbean You, you've always wanted to be.  Put the experience and expertise of The Conchquistador to work for you, to find your tropical oasis.! For more information on the outstanding real estate opportunities that exist in the Keys, call me at 305.439.7730 or email me at

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