- Fishing Chart
- In the Keys, fishing is fantastic year round! With the changing of Summer to Fall though, WHAT you catch may differ. Below is a handy Fishing Chart courtesy of Captain Chris Johnson's site SeaSquared-charters.com, that showcases which species are best to target when. Some species such as Yellowtail and Mangrove Snapper are excellent throughout the year. Reel 'em in!!!
Located at N24 59.550 W80 27.440, and bearing the name, "Hog Rxs" on the GPS map below, this location has been my go to spot since I was a kid and is in about 15 ft of water. Lobster like rocky areas in which to hide from predators, and as this area is ripe with Hog Fish, whose #1 staple is Lobster, this place is a great place to start.
From there...I'll let you discover your OWN Honeyholes. And I don't need to tell you, but this IS OUR Secret...Right??
Upper Keys Reefs
Be it Diving, Snorkling or Fishing , the reefs in the Upper Keys provide a variety of exceptional opportunities!
Mosquito Banks - N25.07647 W80.38124 - Very Shallow area marked by metal tower with Mooring Balls
Conch Reef - N24.95052 W80.46135 - 15 to 35 feet deep. Named because of the large amounts of Queen Conch found in the sandy areas
Little Conch Reef - N24.94279 W80.47534 -About 1 mile south of Conch Reef, 15-30 feet deep. Spur and groove corals, crisscrossed by ledges and lots of tube sponges. Great Place for lobster too! (shhhhh our secret!!)
Molassas Reef - N25.00965 W80.37452 - Big Metal Tower marks the biggest reef in Key Largo, the mooring balls sit on the south side of the tower. The balls on the inside are 20 feet dep and they get deeper the further you go from the tower to around 50 feet. Known for its large marine life: Eagle Rays, Turtles, Eels, and my favorite, Goliath Grouper (aka Jewfish)
Pickles Reef - N24.98712 W80.41640 - 5 to 35 foot deep patch reef and pickle barrels encrusted with coral pillar towers.
French Reef - N25.03819 W80.35257 - 25 to 45 feet deep, known for its caves and swim thrus and star coral
Grecian Rocks - N25.11169 W80.30583 - One of my Favorites! A very shallow ledge of coral,so shallow it protrudes above the ocean at low tide. On the land side there are mooring balls in about 5 -7 feet of water. Great place for littl;e kids and novice snorklers.

Keys Wrecks
Be it Diving, Snorkling or Fishing , the wrecks in the Keys provide exceptional opportunities!
Alligator 24.85207778 -80.61645000
Alma Dean 24.75375 -80.81645556
Bags 24.70375833 -82.42816667
Baja California 25.23373889 -82.44983333
Benwood 25.05206944 -80.33310833
Big Wheel 25.16704167 -84.99985000
Captain Crunch 25.00833333 -80.39166667
Caterpillar 24.76875278 -82.07482222
Cayman Salvagemaster 24.55041667 -81.820600
Coot 24.61709444 -82.58316667
E.J. Bullock 24.50043333 -82.99984167
Eagle Boat 24.6407 -82.10815556
Edward Luckenback 24.95207778 -81.89981944
El Poder De Dios 24.81708056 -80.69978333
Emily Brown 24.56391389 -81.81636389
Erickson 24.58683333 -81.80968611
Escape Machine 25.17206944 -81.49980833
F.V. Sylvia 25.36705556 -80.13310000
Flintstone 24.62709722 -82.70983889
Goloenk 24.51153611 -81.80758889
Goodluck 24.60324444 -81.88693611
Gulfstate 24.43375833 -80.29975833
Gundor 24.94874444 -81.77648056
H.H. Conway 24.66708611 -81.06645833
H.M. Bickford 25.25035 -86.34985833
Hermis 24.60042222 -83.53317222
HMS Winchester 25.20039722 -80.21810278
Infringer 24.62709720 -82.70983881
J.A. Moffet Jr. 24.78374722 -80.69978333
Kopy Kat 24.51153612 -81.80758891
Lake City 24.500425 -81.48313611
Managua 24.08377222 -81.66646667
Maria 24.68375278 -81.08312778
Marie J. Thompson 24.586375 -81.80887500
Mentor 24.18370278 -87.03315278
Mimiva 25.38372222 -80.04976389
Miss Beverly Anne 24.60833333 -81.88333333
Miss Sandra 24.64375556 -81.90148333
Norlindo 24.9504 -83.99984444
Northern Light 25.05040278 -80.21643611
Outbound 25.21706111 -79.12886944
Planter 24.30043056 -81.13312222
S-16 24.42043056 -82.03981667
Santiago De Cuba 24.36709722 -81.91648056
Scuffler 24.84846667 -80.62478333
Spindrift 24.66708611 -81.79981389
Spot Jack 24.94208333 -82.77484167
Sturtevant 24.76375278 -82.01981944
Swiftwater Ii 24.69 -80.85666667
U-157 24.21710278 -82.04981389
U-2513 24.86708333 -83.31651111
Vitric 24.96707222 -80.31643889
Wreck 24.50722222 -81.83805556
YMS 319 24.63375833 -82.16648889
YP 331 24.93374444 -81.96648611