Never one to be afraid of putting his feet into the fire, your Conchquistador is about to piss off some Brokers.
A little, "Emperor's New Clothes".
Because the fact is, for Sellers, the Brokerage really doesn't directly have anything to do with whether you should list your property with a particular agent or not. (Yes... Heresy be Damned!!)
You see, Seasoned Agents have their own way of marketing and working their business, and if they're successful, they're are successful for a reason. And the Brokerage really doesn't affect the end-user that much, as it pertains to which Brokerage that agent is affiliated with.
If you are a homeowner and you're considering listing your property, and you just call up XYZ company because you think XYZ company has nice TV ads and lots of offices, and decide to give your listing to whatever agent answers the phone you could be making a huge mistake!
Now, I know I'm going to catch the ire of some of my colleagues, but it's true. In the old days of real estate, it may have been true that type of formula worked. But in today's real estate, the Brokerage matters more to the Agent, then it does directly to the customer.
A Quality Agent will pretty much give you the same results whether you use that same agent with Company A, Company B, or Company C. That is because in today's world of Real Estate, your listing success has more to do directly with the agent, than it does with the Brokerage.
Now to the agent, the Brokerage is a Huge Deal. The right Brokerage is critical to their continued success. Take your humble Conchquistador for example: I'm affiliated with American Caribbean/ Christie's International Real Estate because they give me the best tools, best support, best environment, best colleagues, and of course best split, for me to provide exceptional service to my clientele. They Maximize my efficiency.
After 20 years in the business, I've seen seen many, many brokerages. And I've worked for a host of them as well. Heck, I even ran several, but in all my time, American Caribbean is the best brokerage I've had the privilege to be associated with.
Agent Success is not just about the Tools, but the Vibe and Support from a Brokerage. |
Those… Tools… That Support… My colleagues… Those intangibles, are what give me the backbone to be able to provide the Service that produces Results. (The Smart Brokerages that recognize this and provide these tools and environments, are the ones that are able to recruit and retain great agents.)
This is also why I believe American Caribbean, over the last quarter, dominated sales figures for the Upper Keys. For our Agents, it's the right fit for us to bring the best service to our Clientele and therefore...RESULTS!
As you can see, American Caribbean was able to reach exceptional heights, selling Keys Real Estate. I am also proud to say that I was my office's Top Producing Agent during this same time period.
At the end of the day, I will take a fantastic superstar agent who gets results at a mom-and-pop company, then a new or lackluster agent at one of the huge conglomerates, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. And you should too.
Work with an Agent who gets great support from their company. Put the experience and expertise of The Conchquistador to work for you! For more information on the outstanding real estate opportunities that exist in the Keys, call me at 305.439.7730 or email me at